Sunday, 8 May 2016

PPE feedback

1. WWW: Concise writing; attempting to use theory/terminology
LR: More focus on the question - especially narrative. Add a paragraph doing this and a conclusion.

2. Yes, I met my target of a C.

3. Question 1: successful. Met the anticipated answers but mentioned types of shots mainly.
Question 2: Average. Not enough written to get high marks.
Questions 3: Successful. Answers follow the anticipated answers.
Question 4: Average. Need to focus on question here.

4. Question 1 was the strongest question as there was good knowledge shown on camerawork.

5. Question 2 was the weakest answer for me as I answered it last so ran our of time and the understanding of the question was poor.

6. Question 2: Institution
The song used 'I'm gonna live till I die' creates the extra boost of excitement. The sound is non diegetic to the trailer and the lryics would be parallel to the trailer as it describes life and death (guns) but the instrumental sounds like a calm noire sound which could  be contrapuntal. The fast paced sound intertwines with the gameplay on display as people are running to cover for safety and it would hype an audience as they want the main characters (protagonists) to succeed and win the war. Therefore, the song is there to suggest the game will also be fast exciting fans of the Call of Duty franchise as they are  familiar with this type of gameplay. This could be the preferred reading of a Call of Duty game by audiences.

Activision and Infinity ward are featured in the end of the trailer who produce the game Call of Duty Ghosts. This is done to attract the fan base of these two institutions as they have constructed loyalty with the brands and would trust in the product on display in the trailer. They have produced other COD's and the audience who enjoyed those games could make repeat purchases of this game.

The setting used of Las Vegas and four males running around having fun suggests the game is about relaxation and entertainment. For example, Las Vegas has had films like Think like a man 2 and The Hangover where males enjoy themselves whilst in Vegas which could attract an audience who would want to visit the area.

7. I did write about the three cross media case studies in the essay comparing how they used the three platforms.

8. I used few of the key words from the question but not throughout the whole of the paragraphs.

9. Question 1: camerawork used to show the facial expressions of the characters to entice audience
Question 2: the setting the war was in suggested a glamorous atmosphere.
Question 3: the use of four male friends having fun.
Question 4: doesn't show blood or death in the trailer, positive representation of gun violence
Question 6: getting audience involved and trying to get them to relate to narrative. Plan b Tag London campaign.

10. List out theories and techniques on plan to use in questions, think outside the box and answer the question.

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