Thursday, 3 March 2016

A Field in England

A Field in England was made off a significantly low budget in comparison to the Hollywood blockbuster films. The highly acclaimed director wanted to subvert the method of releasing films by making all platforms to watch the film available on the same day. The article talks about the directors influences and how distributors are able to get a film known through effective advertising. The article discusses (at first) the steps distributor's need to consider when working with a film and its mainly about interacting with the audience and getting a certain segment to become attracted to the film. The budget the film or any art house film has a disposal is utterly lower than the Hollywood films.

1. Its release was different to a typical film one as it didn't use a staggered release. This means that they released the film in cinemas as well as TV, DVD, Blu-ray, VoD.
2. The possible advantages of doing this is the hype for the film could be generated quickly as there would have to be many advertisements of the film. This would make an audience wonder/know about the film and their attention would be caught. From here, these people could potentially want to watch the film. An Arthouse audience would probably want to watch the film in the cinema and have the atmosphere rather than watch it at home for free. As long as this audience are willing to watch their film in the cinema they may gain a healthier income as people who wouldn't have watched the film can watch it on DVD or TV.
3. The obvious disadvantage of this method is that people who want to watch the film could watch it at home for free. This would then reduce the income the film would receive. Also, it reduces the time the film will have hype for and people would lose their attention from the film. This is because as the film gets old advertisements would be gradually be reduced so the audience would assume the film wasn't a success.
4. The target audience the film is targeted at A,B and possibly C1. This audience would watch the film in cinemas as they wouldn't mind spending money on a cinema ticket instead of watching it for free at home. From the psychographics successful people would watch the film as it they are the audience of Arthouse cinemas.
5. I don't believe all films will be released simultaneously but there will be a shorter staggered release time to prevent many people from watching the film illegally. I believe a staggered release is the best option because it will extend the time revenue will be coming into the film. The hype for the film won't be as significant at the release of the film as a simultaneous release because audiences will only be able to view the film at cinemas. Therefore, a simultaneous release is not healthy for the wealth of the business releasing the film.  

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