Saturday, 9 January 2016

Exam lr

Sussex safer roads partnership have cleverly and successfully built an emotional connection with the audeince. They have done this by using a family to play act a serious scenario which some viewers have knowledge about through being a witness of a road accident or other adverts. However, 'embrace life' took a gentle and alternative approach to creating this advert as it doesn't show blood, goor and the outcome of a crash without a seat belt. The slogan implies something positive and the audience could possibly imply before watching the clip it is going to be unique. Also, the music used is contrapuntal to a car crash (classical) because its soft but parralel with a middle class family as it could potentially be something a family would listen to. Slow motion is used througout the clip with close ups so the audience are able to identify their seleves with the family members used and to build an emotional connection. Furthermore, the living room setting suggests its the family's house and it is a realistic setting which the audience will be able to relate with. In addition, the females were the people showing affection and the male (more risk taking) was the driver in the collision. The high key lighting creates a real life setting as the only light used is from the living room light.

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