Hypodermic needle model
1. This article links to the model because there is evidence of gamers acting out scenes from games they have played. The game (media) has influenced the students decisions and behaviour which shows that the hypodermic needle has been injected. The dangerous effect made people act in ways they may not have if they didn't play the game. Therefore, there is proof that the theory is still working and is right about media being able to influence our decisions. However, it may not be relevant to all types of games. Also, the students said they would need to be tested on a little longer to see major differences.
2. The games the boy was playing probably influenced him to hack into Talk Talk. This sis because he locked himself in his room and didn't leave it much. Therefore, with all the media around him he could access, he is able to learn new skills (dangerous skills) that he could potentially use against others or businesses. The games he played could have affected his thinking and wanted to act out scenes from the games he constantly plays.
Two step flow model
1. I believe this still relevant in society. This is because many people are gullible to what people say on T.V. For example, the weatherman would tell us to bring an umbrella outside today because we are going to see showers. Although not everyone will use an umbrella, they will probably wear something to counter the rain because the weatherman has influenced their decision. Therefore, I think people form decisions on what other people with more information have supplied them with.
2. He has formed opinions based on what the games have instructed him on. So he would create a character based on what be believes is what the game wanted him to chose. As a result, he fits the two step flow model because his opinions come from an opinion leader and in this case that is the game developer.
3. These celebrities share their experiences on social media with other (not celebrities). The celebrities are the opinion leaders as they tell ordinary people some of their journeys through life. David Cameron sharing his opinions would allow tweeter users to see what the Prime minister has to say in his free time because he doesn't have to tweet anything unless he is questioned by someone near his status. Therefore, many people follow him because they know they will be able to get some information from him (opinion leader).
4. Jamal Edwards chose a different route to others by using YouTube as a way of becoming successful. This means that Jamal probably ignored what he was told about education being the tool to life and will construct paths. He decided to use a camera and record music videos and upload them to YouTube which would get views and reviews with the outcome, money. Also, he left school and didn't stay in education any longer and worked in Topshop whilst doing YouTube on the side. Again, there is more to suggest education wasn't his strong point or he had planned a different route in life.
Diversion - people sometimes have to use entertainment to escape from the struggles in life. A way they do this is by gaming. Certain games are used to release stress and anger which is displayed in a fictional story that can't harm others or themselves in reality. It gives the gamer a new identity that is confidential against everyone else (if desired). This fits the category because it helps people forget about their problems and indulge themselves with a few hours of gaming.

Personal relationships - the audience of James Bond will always want him to be successful and eliminate the villain. This is because he is the main character of the film and we have built an emotional connection especially because there have been many other 007 films. This is related to the category because people have developed a relationship with the character and males aspire him and females adore him.
Personal identity - shows allow people to suggest what kind of person they would be if they were in a similar scenario. For example, a reality show like Big Brother lets an audience choose sides when there is conflict in the house. Viewers are able to see if they would be popular or hated in the house due to the eviction process. Therefore, this fits the category because based on who they have sided with, viewers will be able to see how long they would have survived as their personality could be similar to one of the contenders on the show.
Surveillance - the news is an obvious example as people can find out useful information. It gives the audience a chance to make their own conclusions about topics that are discussed on the news. They are able to make conscious decisions without the media manipulating them. However, it depends how much news is taken in as some of the news that is given to us is subjective.
Blumler and Katz: Uses and Gratification
Personal relationships - the audience of James Bond will always want him to be successful and eliminate the villain. This is because he is the main character of the film and we have built an emotional connection especially because there have been many other 007 films. This is related to the category because people have developed a relationship with the character and males aspire him and females adore him.
Personal identity - shows allow people to suggest what kind of person they would be if they were in a similar scenario. For example, a reality show like Big Brother lets an audience choose sides when there is conflict in the house. Viewers are able to see if they would be popular or hated in the house due to the eviction process. Therefore, this fits the category because based on who they have sided with, viewers will be able to see how long they would have survived as their personality could be similar to one of the contenders on the show.
Surveillance - the news is an obvious example as people can find out useful information. It gives the audience a chance to make their own conclusions about topics that are discussed on the news. They are able to make conscious decisions without the media manipulating them. However, it depends how much news is taken in as some of the news that is given to us is subjective.
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