Monday, 30 November 2015

Representation: three clips

Graham Norton

Graham Norton is part of the dominant representation of gay men because he acts in a feminine way. This links to Perkins' theory because the stereotype is partly true. But he has given an alternative representation of men because we would expect a man to act and be masculine. Graham behaves in a feminine way which subverts the stereotype of men being masculine and not feminine. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the other hand is masculine and behaves in a manly way. He reinforces the stereotype of males being physically strong. He is and does everything differently to Graham. Again Perkins' theory can be used with this representation because it's partly true and positive. In addition, I don't think Mulvey's theory can be used because females aren't really gazing at much for it to cover this theory although there is a picture shown of Arnold in his boxers.

London 2012

James Bond is presented very smartly wearing a suit which we would expect from a male who is going to an event. Also, he has collected the female (Queen) which also reinforces the stereotype of men being the 'gentlemen'. This uses Perkins' theory because those representations are true. When the pair jump out the helicopter we see they go by themselves without any help from an expert. We would expect James Bond to be brave and jump out the helicopter which reinforces the stereotype of men being brave. However, we wouldn't expect the Queen to follow him because of her age which subverts the representation of elderly people being wise and not taking risks. In addition, the people of Britain (specifically London) are represented as being happy and proud of our nation because of the amount of Union Jacks spread across the capital. Therefore, it has used Richard Dyer's theory because the media (with power) have represented London in a way they wanted to. They could have showed Britain being a dull and boring nation if they wanted because they have the power to create stereotypes.

Some Girls

The girls are portrayed as being the typical girls we would see because they are shown in one of their bedrooms looking in a mirror which suggests to an audience that they care about their appearance (reinforcement of females). This uses Medhurst's theory because we have made an assumption out of three seconds of a scene which can further our judgements about the four girls as the trailer progresses. However, the girls are shown playing football which subverts the stereotype of females not being sporty and being feminine. This uses Perkins' theory because it is true, we wouldn't expect them to play sport (a masculine sport).

Sunday, 15 November 2015


Person of Interest

This scene includes some typical stereotypes that our society and others (American) would formulate. An example of this is the gang, who look to be in control, are all African American. They are armed and are ruthless and I know this because the gang leader orders his men to eliminate two of the hostages without any rumours. However, in the gang they have a women who seems as heartless as the men which challenges the stereotype of women being physically weak and mentally she seems too composed as she isn't concerned about the gang leader's order. But, she is African American therefore in a way she reinforces the stereotype. 

Another example of stereotype in the scene is created with the three hostages. The woman looks scared and doesn't look like she has been in this environment before. Her facial expression suggests she might be on the verge of crying. The bearded man looks as if he has given up once his fate is decided as he shakes his head. However, the dialogue suggests he had something the gang wanted which could make the audience wonder why the elderly man was in this business. This challenges the stereotype of elderly people as being innocent and vulnerable. Finally, the man in the suit looks annoyed and his facial expression implies he has been in a situation similar to this because he doesn't look worried. This reinforces the stereotype that the protagonist is a calm person even when things don't look like they are going his way.

The next stereotype isn't plainly stated by people/media but the way black people are represented we would assume they are believed not be as intelligent as white people. The police (all white males) were able to out smart the gangsters by finding a way of indirectly communicating with the protagonist and they were able to make the arrests.

Thursday, 12 November 2015


Media consumption audit
Reading an image: RBK 50 CENT and own
Institution: major media institution and pres 
Institution: brand values
Institution: cool brands
Audience: psychographics  
Audience: theories
Audience: dependency theory

Dependency theory

Dependency theory

1. I mainly consume media for entertainment purposes. I use devices such as: television, phone, console etc. I can access social media on those devices but I mainly use my phone as it more convenient because it is portable. My gaming is mainly done by using my console because that's what's it's designed for. However, I do use media for information. For example, help for doing my homework can be found on the internet.

2. I believe we rely on the media too much. This isn't good because information we find out can be subject which means we don't know the other side of a story. Therefore, people form opinions based off what the media wants us to know. It's almost as if they are swaying our decisions in a certain path to blind us from the truth. This is dangerous as it creates conflict. There is clear evidence of this and it emphasises the fact that people are reliant on the media.

3. The frequency of people updating their knowledge on certain topics using the media has changed. This is because of the enhancement in technology which is constantly updating and there are many more ways of accessing the internet compared to 10 years ago. Therefore, I think that we were always dependent on the media, it's just that people check sites (news) a lot more frequently compared to the past. However now technology has improved, it allows people in one country to read a newspaper article from another country. This means that opinions formed now are more fair and not as biased as we can now know about the whole news story.

4. This article supports the theory as it states that young people are dependent on the internet and feel lost without it. The theory says we are dependent on the media and it makes us form certain decisions and opinions based on what we are being fed. Also, the article suggests young people need the internet to find out information and for entertainment. 


Sunday, 8 November 2015

Audience theory

Hypodermic needle model

1. This article links to the model because there is evidence of gamers acting out scenes from games they have played. The game (media) has influenced the students decisions and behaviour which shows that the hypodermic needle has been injected. The dangerous effect made people act in ways they may not have if they didn't play the game. Therefore, there is proof that the theory is still working and is right about media being able to influence our decisions. However, it may not be relevant to all types of games. Also, the students said they would need to be tested on a little longer to see major differences.

2. The games the boy was playing probably influenced him to hack into Talk Talk. This sis because he locked himself in his room and didn't leave it much. Therefore, with all the media around him he could access, he is able to learn new skills (dangerous skills) that he could potentially use against others or businesses. The games he played could have affected his thinking and wanted to act out scenes from the games he constantly plays.  

Two step flow model

1. I believe this still relevant in society. This is because many people are gullible to what people say on T.V. For example, the weatherman would tell us to bring an umbrella outside today because we are going to see showers. Although not everyone will use an umbrella, they will probably wear something to counter the rain because the weatherman has influenced their decision. Therefore, I think people form decisions on what other people with more information have supplied them with.

2. He has formed opinions based on what the games have instructed him on. So he would create a character based on what be believes is what the game wanted him to chose. As a result, he fits the two step flow model because his opinions come from an opinion leader and in this case that is the game developer. 

3. These celebrities share their experiences on social media with other (not celebrities). The celebrities are the opinion leaders as they tell ordinary people some of their journeys through life. David Cameron sharing his opinions would allow tweeter users to see what the Prime minister has to say in his free time because he doesn't have to tweet anything unless he is questioned by someone near his status. Therefore, many people follow him because they know they will be able to get some information from him (opinion leader).   

4. Jamal Edwards chose a different route to others by using YouTube as a way of becoming successful. This means that Jamal probably ignored what he was told about education being the tool to life and will construct paths. He decided to use a camera and record music videos and upload them to YouTube which would get views and reviews with the outcome, money. Also, he left school and didn't stay in education any longer and worked in Topshop whilst doing YouTube on the side. Again, there is more to suggest education wasn't his strong point or he had planned a different route in life.

Blumler and Katz: Uses and Gratification

Image result for calm gamerDiversion - people sometimes have to use entertainment to escape from the struggles in life. A way they do this is by gaming. Certain games are used to release stress and anger which is displayed in a fictional story that can't harm others or themselves in reality. It gives the gamer a new identity that is confidential against everyone else (if desired). This fits the category because it helps people forget about their problems and indulge themselves with a few hours of gaming.

Image result for oo7

Personal relationships - the audience of James Bond will always want him to be successful and eliminate the villain. This is because he is the main character of the film and we have built an emotional connection especially because there have been many other 007 films. This is related to the category because people have developed a relationship with the character and males aspire him and females adore him.

Personal identity - shows allow people to suggest what kind of person they would be if they were in a similar scenario. For example, a reality show like Big Brother lets an audience choose sides when there is conflict in the house. Viewers are able to see if they would be popular or hated in the house due to the eviction process. Therefore, this fits the category because based on who they have sided with, viewers will be able to see how long they would have survived as their personality could be similar to one of the contenders on the show.

Surveillance - the news is an obvious example as people can find out useful information. It gives the audience a chance to make their own conclusions about topics that are discussed on the news. They are able to make conscious decisions without the media manipulating them. However, it depends how much news is taken in as some of the news that is given to us is subjective.  

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Presentation feedback - Struggler's


Key words were used in the presentation (prime time) and examples of the key words were used. Also, there was good references to shows struggler's would watch. 

We should have used original research of the group instead of taking it from blog. In addition, we could have used bullet points and more images

Self evaluation:
I think that the presentation went well and the class were able to understand what we were teaching them. The information we used was relevant to struggler's. In addition, the characters we used symbolised a struggler's life and we were able to bring it to life because we described and explained their hobbies and employment status. However, the presentation could have included more images because it would have brought the slides to life and the class could relate a picture of beer with the characters. Also, bullet points would allow us to summarise the information we had in the paragraphs which would make the slide look less cluttered and easier to read. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Young and Rubicam


I am an aspirer. I agree with this because I want to be successful and be the person I want to be. The test was accurate because they have given me a result from the psychographic group that I can relate to.  This means that my decisions on how I want to be perceived by others is based on my behaviour and appearance. Therefore, conducting myself in a mature and intelligent manor would suggest to somebody that I am serious and want to achieve/be a succeeder. Also, education is a main factor as of how I will become the person I want to be because I will be able to analyse different outcomes which could lead to different routes in life. Socially, there are many famous people who are successful because of the skills they had acquired from a young age and now are able to use them to make others happy or change the World in some way.