Thursday, 17 September 2015

Reading an image


This poster visually shows me that a person with a wealthy background is on the front cover of a poster sponsoring Reebok. I am able to identify the person as 50 Cent a famous rapper who had previously gone to prison. It denotes that he is very serious and his eye contact with the audience would make an audience think about their selves. The quote suggests that we shouldn't waste time trying to be someone else so make the most of who you are. It connotes that he doesn't care about what people think of him and the eye to eye contact with the audience makes us believe he is genuine. The monochrome colours emphasise the seriousness and belief of the slogan 'I am what I am'. The colours relate to 'street' colours which aren't vibrant but are the opposite which is different to the areas of higher class people. This is the way some people, youth in particular, want to be portrayed.  Despite this, some people from a higher class would probably buy the Reebok products. The slogan is set in the middle of the screen and has an old fashion looking font to show that people with the Reebok product will feel like they have power. The quote embedded at the top right hand side is purposely on top of the images of finger prints to suggest that he has been in trouble with the authority but it hasn't changed his dreams. The image of 50 Cent hasn't take up most of the poster because it shares half the page with the finger prints which has similar significance. The slogan' font size is bigger than the quote so the audience can try to infer something about the poster with a quick glance. The type of shot is a medium shot so people can see his facial expression and try to relate to him. In addition, his chain could also allow people to relate with him because of the jewellery he has. On this poster their is more than one subject of matter, there are two. 50 Cent is one because he is the endorsing the product and the second is the finger prints because a person's identity cannot be changed. The setting seems to be in a prison because of the dark background which symbolises loneliness and depression. Also, because of the finger prints from potential prisoners. The lighting is low key which connotes he probably has a dark background but it won't hinder his chances of chasing his dreams. Therefore, the audience can relate with him because of something they have done which isn't impressing but are attempting to turn their life around.

Coca Cola

This poster denotes the Christmas season has begun because of Santa sitting with all the gifts. It connotes a cold but jolly time of year. The colour red symbolises love, passion and friendship. There are various shades of red; from the bottom it is it's darkest and the top is the lightest. Santa looks to be sitting on his slay with the toys and his pose is cheerful and jolly. The lines start off bright from the sides then the gradient dies down as it gets closer to Santa Clause. The coke bottle is positioned at the bottom of the central image so the audience are able to see that Coca Cola is an appropriate drink for the Christmas celebrations. The slogan also mixes with the bottle because the word coke is needed in the sentence and they have intelligently utilised it from the manufactured bottle to put into the sentence. The size of 'Coca Cola' at the bottom is there for the audience to realise what product it is especially with its authentic font, The type of shot is a long shot on Santa Clause but we aren't able to see his whole body because of the toys surrounding him. The subject of matter is Santa Clause because he symbolises the Christmas season and joy. The setting could potentially be in the 'North Pole' and the toys connote this because that's 'where his toys are manufactured'. The Lighting is bright which symbolises happiness and love.

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